a brief history of god's faithfulness

to our church

As our story begins, Giles County had only small remnants of Baptist work until 1896 when a black man, Jerome Gentry, wrote to the Baptist and Reflector, Tennessee Baptists' news publication, urging that white Baptist work was needed in Pulaski. This resulted in the arrival of Rev. T. T. Thompson, who held a tent revival on West Flower Street in June, 1896. From this effort, God was faithful in leading twenty-two persons to join together and become charter members of First Baptist. They immediately began construction of a small church on North First Street. It was completed in December, 1896.

Misfortune struck, however, in February, 1901, when the building was destroyed by fire. The congregation met in temporary locations until 1905 when a new church was built on the corner of West Washington and North Third Street. The church grew and prospered in the Lord's work and continued to worship in this location until January 1950.

As the 1950's approached, the congregation had grown and was in need of a larger facility so property was purchased on the corner of South Second Street and Magnolia Place. The first phase of a building program was begun. Formal dedication of the new educational building and temporary sanctuary was held in July, 1950.

God continued to bless this congregation and its growth so that our present sanctuary was completed along with the Flournoy Reed Chapel immediately below the sanctuary. This second phase was marked with a formal opening of the new facility on December 11, 1955.   

Because of Pulaski's growth, particularly on the west side, God led our church in organizing and building a new mission chapel on Minor Hill Road. It was completed in September, 1964 and became Highland Baptist Church two years later.

Also, during this time, we purchased and cleared an area across from the church on Second Street for a parking area.

During the ensuing years, the church was blessed with an increased membership, extension of educational and mission programs, and an expanded staff to meet the needs of our church family. Also, members began traveling into needed areas to assist in missions work, both at home and on foreign shores. These efforts continue today.

As the 1980's, began the church was offered the opportunity to purchase the former Catholic Church that stood just south of the sanctuary. It became known as The Cornerstone Chapel and was used for a variety of worship services and activities. Also, during the 1980's because of an ever increasing membership, the church initiated a program called "Together We Build" to finance the renovation of the Education Building and expand parking space. God truly blessed us in this effort and, as a result, considerable improvements occurred including conversion of the lower level chapel into classrooms.

By 1993, we were once again experiencing growing pains so still another financial program was begun called "Growing Together Through Love." This enabled the complete refurbishing of the sanctuary with other needed improvements.

As we entered the new century, First Baptist Church, under God's leadership, continued to grow in its Christian witness throughout the community. As we began looking to enlarge our educational facilities, two additional properties were acquired on the south end of the block to make room for expansion. At this point, it became evident that Cornerstone could not remain in its present location. It was subsequently donated to the City of Pulaski to be used as a "Trail of Tears" Museum.

Following this, we set out once again to raise funding. A program called "Building on Faith" was begun and ground -breaking took place. On October 24, 2004, dedication services were held in the new Fellowship Hall. This was a glorious celebration of what God had allowed us to accomplish and one which continues to bless us as members, every time we enter the church.

We have many choices here at First Baptist Church in the ways we chose to worship. from Sunday School and a choice of two services on Sunday morning, to a wide range of age-oriented activities, to mission projects, to fellowship events, to musical programs-opportunities to give back to God our tithes,, our talents, and our time.

As the old hymn days, "The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord." As we look to the future and continue in our quest to grow, may we always hold that one thought in our hearts.